I found your article instructive. CSS is a mess, and we are always trying to create a system for handling it. I like the Molecular CSS (https://medium.com/javascript-in-plain-english/replicating-the-medium-website-using-css-molecules-7aa0849568e1).
I don't see any problem in naming a class like "blue" or "red". It is very clear. Hardly a website changes its colors. The colors are part of the identity of a brand. People hardly change just the colors, they create a brand-new website. And in case someone just want to change the colors... is this a problem to replace "blue" with "red" in the HTML? NO!
Hajime Yamasaki Vukelic has interesting points of view but he is used to work with sophisticated/complex stuff. He is in a higher level. For the casual, small webpage you are OK going the basic way.
BEWARE: Medium has a CSS specialized troll (sometimes using fake profiles). He is always ready to say that you are wrong if you are not doing things in his way. Don't pay attention to him!