Joana Borges Late
2 min readMar 3, 2023


Thanks again!

Today I found this article from yours, which is VERY OK (forget my feedback about writing articles) including demo!

>> “Responsive” Font-Size Using Vanilla CSS

About the size of embedded icons in the MosaicApp: it is not just the icons; there are also 1 on or 2 font sets.

I have just removed the WAYW tool and placed a screenshot of the recent prototype.

About REM, it is definitely the only measure for font-size to be used. But for widths I am thinking on a mixed solution because there are different scenarios:

1) It is perfect for your media station(?), because it has doubled font-size and doubled (or alike) screen size.

2) For someone with sight issues that uses a 32px font on a smartphone, doubling the width of the frames would make him having to horizontally scroll all the time. This may be the best solution sometimes, but in other times it could be unnecessary and cumbersome - I mean the case when the text is OK with 32px font size in the 360px width screen of the smartphone.

Anyway, I decided to make another deep reform in WAYW. The user will not have the option to choose widths. I will give him ready to use, adjustable components(*) that will be previously tested with a wide range of REMs x screens.

(*) Like the section in the demo from your article.

It is funny. The very first version of WAYW was planned to offer built-in components. Then I thought that developers would complain a lot about this and that missing feature. Then I rejected the component idea and made that editor that writes all the code for you but it was cumbersome to use. I realized how HTML (the language) is powerful. It is VERY hard to create a tool that does all that is possible with code. The hard is not the logic of the tool, the hard is to cover all the possibilities.

So, I am back to the component way!



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