The Most Unexpected Error I’ve Ever Seen In Web Programming

It is not just the error, it is where I found it too

Joana Borges Late
2 min readJan 17, 2023

Today I was setting up a small application on Google Application Engine. Things were working fine until I got to the part about adding a custom domain.

Add a custom domain

G.A.E. it’s part of Google Cloud, which has hundreds of resources, so I spent some time until I found the right section. That section is straightforward, just clicking the big blue button that says “ADD A CUSTOM DOMAIN”.

Well, I clicked on it and was taken to a not-found-page that said, “We can’t find what you’re looking for.”. Well, what I’m looking for is to add a custom domain. I didn’t do anything wrong. I just clicked the big blue button. Then the page advises me to try three very general webpages :-(

We don’t know what you want

I went back and retried the process a few times, changing the previous path, changing the selected project, closing and opening the browser. And I always had the same result. I have experienced some bugs with Google Cloud Platform, but nothing like this.

Then I noticed something, which gave me a hint on how to solve the problem.

Got to the right place

Finally, I got to the right page. What did I notice? The link address of the big blue button contained strange commas. I just replaced the commas with slashes in the browser’s address bar :-)

Weird URL

Such a mistake, coming from Google… Well, it’s funny.

If you know someone who works at Google, let him know.



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